Todo Next

A Todo App with cursor pagination and auth built using T3 Stack

NextJS, Typescript, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma, Clerk, shadcn, Tanstack Table, Supabase

This Site

You know what it is

NextJS, Typescript, Tailwind, tRPC


Clone of a dead bird replaced by an alphabet

NextJS, Typescript, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma, PlanetScale, Upstash, Clerk



A simple blog aggregator with a long-running service worker

Go, Chi Router, PostgresQL, Goose, sqlc


An Expense Tracking app built in SwiftUI

SwiftUI, UIKit, Swift, Core Data, CloudKit, Core Graphics, Core Animation, Local Notification, UserDefaults, IntrospectSwiftUI, Swift Package Manager, Swift

Meals to Go

A Zomato-esque clone made in React Native

React Native, React Navigation, React Native Maps (Google and Apple Maps), Firebase Auth, Lottie, AsyncStorage, Expo Camera



A Dummy App to practice my testing chops

Android, Java, Espresso, Barista, MockWebServer, UIAutomator, Bitrise, Gspread, Python, Trefle API

Step Runner

A vertical infinite runner that requires both and skill and luck to get good at.

Unity, C#, TextMesh Pro

Any Many More

See all my projects on Github

React, React Native, Next, Go, SwiftUI, UIKit, Python, Unity